Author Archives: Josette Languedoc

July Picnic at Lac du Jaunay

As usual, many of us spent a delightful time at our July picnic : the weather was very pleasant under the trees and near the beautiful lake, and we shared many tasty delicacies … in a friendly and joyful atmosphere …

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Last evening of the season at La Bourrine à Loulou June 27th

As usual, our last evening of the season at La Bourrine à Loulou (before, during and after the traditional meal of “jambon patates” ou “patates jambon”)  was very joyful with people , playing music, singing and dancing !!!…

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Bring & Share Dinner May 16, 2024

BRING and SHARE DINNER on May 16th

As usual, our Bring and Share Dinner was a success: the theme was “the islands” and most participants played the game, as you can see on the following amusing photos! There was a lot to eat and drink and the room was beautifully decorated…

Many thanks to the Organisers and to their helpers !…


On March 7th, we had a “green” dinner to celebrate Saint Patrick (the room was not available on the right day!!!;..), so everyone had to wear something green, and we had the choice between Irish Stew and Beef with beer. The room was very well decorated, we had a  welcome drink with various and very  good appetizers, all the dishes were delicious, and the evening finished with songs, as usual… in a friendly atmosphere…

Many thanks to all the organizers and their helpers !…




AGM January 27, 2023 plus Galettes des Rois

On January 27th, we held our Annual General Meeting at La Parée Verte. Le 27 janvier 2024, nous avons tenu notre Assemblée Générale annuelle à la Parée Verte.

After a speech by our President, Mike McClenahan, our Vice-President Marie Habert reminded us of all the events, then Our Treasurer Jean-Joseph Dombrowski presented his financial report. This report shows a deficite for the year 2023, due to an increase in the cost of our end of the year lunch, but everything is all right. Après un discours de notre Président, Mike McClenahan, notre Vice-Présidente, Marie Habert, fit un résumé de nos différentes activités intervenues en 2023. Ensuite, ce fut le tour de notre Trésorier Jean-Joseph Dombrowski, de présenter son rapport financier. Il y a un déficit cette année, car il y a eu une forte augmentation du coût du repas de fin d’année, mais malgré tout, les finances de l’Association restent saines.

It has been decided to increase the annual subscription and to pass it to 17per person. Il a été décidé d’augmenter la cotisation annuelle et de la passer à 17€ par personne.

There was an election for two new members of the Committee : Sylviane McClenahan and Françoise Viola. Deux nouveaux membres du Conseil d’Administration ont été élus: Sylviane McClenahan et Françoise Viola.

In the meantime, Michel Habert showed a diaporama of photos and videos of the various events in 2023. Entre temps, Michel Habert a projeté un diaporama de photos et de vidéos des événements de 2023.

Afterwards, though it was very early for the French members, but we had dinner (a cold buffet) followed by the traditional Galettes des Rois. Ensuite, bien qu’il soit très tôt pour les adhérents français, nous avons eu notre dîner (un buffet froid campagnard) suivi des traditionnelles Galettes des Rois.

A very pleasant and short evening ! Une fin d’après-midi agréable !…





La composition du Bureau est la suivante :
The composition of the Bureau is as follows:
Président / President: Mike McClenahan
Vice-Présidente / Vice-President : Marie-Christine Habert
Trésorier / Treasurer : Jean-Joseph Dombrowski

Re-opening 2024

 All the Committee wishes you a happy, healthy, joyful and peaceful New Year.

Tout le Conseil d’Administration vous présente ses meileurs voeux pour une année 2024 heureuse, en bonne santé et pleine de joies et de paix.

Our meetings will start again on Thursday evening January 11th and Friday morning January 12th.

Nos réunions reprendront le jeudi soir 11 janvier et le vendredi matin 12 janvier.



END OF THE YEAR LUNCH Wednesday December 6, 2023



On Wednesday December 6th, we have enjoyed a very good lunch in a nicely renovated and more comfortable room at Le Glajou. The entertainer was excellent and all the participants had a wonderful time!… / Mercredi 6 décembre, nous avons dégusté un très bon déjeuner dans une salle joliment rénovée et plus confortable du Glajou. L’animateur de l’après-midi était aussi excellent et tous les participants se sont bien amusés !… Lots of photos and videos…


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We even had a nice visit : Father Christmas, who brought us some sweets… / Et nous avons même eu la visite du Père Noël, qui nous a apporté des bonbons…
