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Bring & Share Dinner May 16, 2024

BRING and SHARE DINNER on May 16th

As usual, our Bring and Share Dinner was a success: the theme was “the islands” and most participants played the game, as you can see on the following amusing photos! There was a lot to eat and drink and the room was beautifully decorated…

Many thanks to the Organisers and to their helpers !…


On March 7th, we had a “green” dinner to celebrate Saint Patrick (the room was not available on the right day!!!;..), so everyone had to wear something green, and we had the choice between Irish Stew and Beef with beer. The room was very well decorated, we had a  welcome drink with various and very  good appetizers, all the dishes were delicious, and the evening finished with songs, as usual… in a friendly atmosphere…

Many thanks to all the organizers and their helpers !…









Salle de la Baritaudière n°2 at 7 p.m.

The evening was a huge success,   Michele did her creative thing and set the ambiance for the evening with bunting and table decorations.


Members had been invited to provide all the food – apart from bread and wine – and they did so right royally.   I couldn’t believe that it would all be eaten, but eaten it was and with considerable gusto!.  Many thanks to everyone who provided such a magnificent spread.




Entertainment was provided as usual by some talented members; noteworthy were Mike and Sylvianne who duetted to Mike’s guitar.  As the evening progressed more and more folk felt the urge to sing and it was a joyous occasion.


Many a health was drunk to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

”The Queen – God Bless Her”

Up and running again!

Barring a resurgence in the Covid numbers in the Vendee, we are now almost back to normal. Last Thursday a good crowd of Members were able to enjoy an evening devoted to discussing beer in all its’ forms.   Marie is now in the process of organising an excursion for Members to a brewery locally – doubtless involving tastings!

Friday also welcomed 27 Members and friends to our regular quiz morning, with another new Member.   Welcome J J !

Also in prospect is a ‘Soiree Couscous, to be held of Thursday 7th October at La Baritaudiere.   (15 euros each by cheque for Members)    Also planned is  an end of year/early Christmas meal at a venue which we have all previously enjoyed.   So, watch this space and be ready to sign up with Dominique for these events either on Thursday evenings or Friday mornings.

Happy times are here again!


What do you want to do ?

New mail

Chers Adhérents et Amis, Dear Members and Friends,

Comme vous le savez, nous n’avons pas la possibilité de nous réunir pour notre Assemblée Générale Annuelle du 30 janvier 2021, donc celle-ci devra se tenir virtuellement ! As you are well aware, we cannot meet for our AGM of January 30, 2021, so it will be held virtually !

Plusieurs points nécessitent un vote de votre part : Several items require your vote :

  • L’approbation du Rapport Moral / Approval of Annual Report
  • L’approbation du Rapport Financier / Approval of Financial Report
  • Election de plusieurs membres du Conseil d’Administration : Election of several members of the Board.
    Un bulletin de vote a été envoyé à chaque adhérent, et nous vous demandons de renvoyer vos votes par retour. A ballot has been mailed to each member and we ask you to send it back by return.

Nous espérons que nous pourrons rependre nos activités dans quelque temps et ne manquerons pas de vous en informer dès que possible. We hope we will be able to resume our activities as soon as we possibly can, and will keep you informed when things change.  En attendant, tout le Conseil d’Administration vous adresse ses meilleurs vœux pour 2021. In the meantime, all the Committee send their best wishes for a healthy 2021.



You can’t keep a quizzer down!! Round one!

Whilst mantaining social distance and sanitization, eighteen Members of Le Pont a Sion gathered for the first time after lockdown for the Friday morning quiz.

Although not permitted to serve coffee, the atmosphere was nonetheless convivial.

….. but Cecile, having risen late, was not quite up to speed with some music questions!  Will improve  next time and when the ghetto-blaster works better!