Category Archives: News

July Picnic at Lac du Jaunay

As usual, many of us spent a delightful time at our July picnic : the weather was very pleasant under the trees and near the beautiful lake, and we shared many tasty delicacies … in a friendly and joyful atmosphere …

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Last evening of the season at La Bourrine à Loulou June 27th

As usual, our last evening of the season at La Bourrine à Loulou (before, during and after the traditional meal of “jambon patates” ou “patates jambon”)  was very joyful with people , playing music, singing and dancing !!!…

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Bring & Share Dinner May 16, 2024

BRING and SHARE DINNER on May 16th

As usual, our Bring and Share Dinner was a success: the theme was “the islands” and most participants played the game, as you can see on the following amusing photos! There was a lot to eat and drink and the room was beautifully decorated…

Many thanks to the Organisers and to their helpers !…


On March 7th, we had a “green” dinner to celebrate Saint Patrick (the room was not available on the right day!!!;..), so everyone had to wear something green, and we had the choice between Irish Stew and Beef with beer. The room was very well decorated, we had a  welcome drink with various and very  good appetizers, all the dishes were delicious, and the evening finished with songs, as usual… in a friendly atmosphere…

Many thanks to all the organizers and their helpers !…
