Author Archives: Josette Languedoc






Salle de la Baritaudière n°2 at 7 p.m.

The evening was a huge success,   Michele did her creative thing and set the ambiance for the evening with bunting and table decorations.


Members had been invited to provide all the food – apart from bread and wine – and they did so right royally.   I couldn’t believe that it would all be eaten, but eaten it was and with considerable gusto!.  Many thanks to everyone who provided such a magnificent spread.




Entertainment was provided as usual by some talented members; noteworthy were Mike and Sylvianne who duetted to Mike’s guitar.  As the evening progressed more and more folk felt the urge to sing and it was a joyous occasion.


Many a health was drunk to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

”The Queen – God Bless Her”

Thursday evening November 18th

As usual, the evening was hosted by Marie, helped this time by her friends Babette and Véronique!…

They spent some very nice holidays in Alsace, and they shared with us their discoveries (cultural and gastronomic…)

If you click on the link below, you can also watch an alsatian dance …


All the participants have enjoyed this lively evening, and especially the wines and the toasts and various cakes prepared by Marie.

We are looking forward to their next holidays!!!…

PICNIC at LAC DU JAUNAY Aug / Aout 2021

Please  come and meet us at Lac du Jaunay (usual place) on Wednesday August 18th midday for a friendly picnic lunch.

Venez nous rejoindre au Lac du Jaunay (à l’endroit habituel) pour un pique-nique amical le mercredi 18 août.

You may come with your family since there is plenty of space for children…

Vous pouvez venir en famille étant donné qu’il y a assez d’espace pour que les enfants puissent jouer…

Picnic Spot at La Baudriere, Lac du Jaunay may be found  at:

N. 46° 39′ 44.1576″        W. 1° 44′ 58.362″

Fish and Chips Dinner at Les Sables d’Olonne

“La Roulotte Fish and Chips”,Quai Franqueville at les Sables will be welcoming us on Thursday July 1st at 7 p.m. “La Roulotte Fish and Chips”, Quai Franqueville aux Sables d’Olonne pourra nous accueillir le jeudi 1er juillet à 19h.

Registrations will be taken next week, because it is essential to know how many persons will attend, in order to buy enough fish … Nous enregistrerons les inscriptions la semaine prochaine car il est impératif de connaître le nombre de participants pour pouvoir acheter le poisson nécessaire.


What do you want to do ?

New mail

Chers Adhérents et Amis, Dear Members and Friends,

Comme vous le savez, nous n’avons pas la possibilité de nous réunir pour notre Assemblée Générale Annuelle du 30 janvier 2021, donc celle-ci devra se tenir virtuellement ! As you are well aware, we cannot meet for our AGM of January 30, 2021, so it will be held virtually !

Plusieurs points nécessitent un vote de votre part : Several items require your vote :

  • L’approbation du Rapport Moral / Approval of Annual Report
  • L’approbation du Rapport Financier / Approval of Financial Report
  • Election de plusieurs membres du Conseil d’Administration : Election of several members of the Board.
    Un bulletin de vote a été envoyé à chaque adhérent, et nous vous demandons de renvoyer vos votes par retour. A ballot has been mailed to each member and we ask you to send it back by return.

Nous espérons que nous pourrons rependre nos activités dans quelque temps et ne manquerons pas de vous en informer dès que possible. We hope we will be able to resume our activities as soon as we possibly can, and will keep you informed when things change.  En attendant, tout le Conseil d’Administration vous adresse ses meilleurs vœux pour 2021. In the meantime, all the Committee send their best wishes for a healthy 2021.



Picnic at Lac du Jaunay July 8th

Temps de rêve et cadre romantique pour cette première réunion depuis 4 mois, et tous les participants (43 personnes) ont été très heureux de se retrouver!…


 A truly wonderful day!   Once again we were able to meet our friends  in the beautiful setting of the Lac de Jaunay.  It was our first meeting since the beginning of March and 43 Members and friends were clearly delighted to be able to socialise once more….


Après un très joyeux déjeuner , Brian avait organisé un quiz pour deux équipes (très bruyantes…) qui a eu beaucoup de succès !!!…

After a very friendly, companionable lunch, Brian had organised a quiz for two teams (very noisy…) which was very successful.

Etant donné l’enthousiasme général, nous organiserons un second pique-nique avant la fin de l’été, donc surveillez les informations sur ce site…

There was considerable enthusiasm for the idea of a second picnic before the end of summer, so watch this space!!