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February 1st, our President’s Birthday

Last Friday, we celebrated our President’s birthday with a delicious cake made by Jean-Paul’s wife : vendredi dernier, nous avons fêté l’anniversaire de notre Présidente avec un délicieux gâteau fait par l’épouse de Jean-Paul  :

We then proceeded very seriously to our usual quizzes with three teams, orchestrated by Brian : nous sommes ensuite passés à nos quiz habituels, avec nos trois équipes très concentrées, orchestrées par Brian …

Brian was delighted to be aided by Hester and Dominique who had created some questions of their own.


Friday morning quizzes

Just in case you don’t know, every Friday morning (normalement), after coffee, biscuits and a chat, we have a quiz.  This Friday there were 25 people enjoying testing their memories and brains.   Questions are very welcome from all members.

Habituellement, chaque vendredi matin, après café/thé, petits gâteaux et bavardages, nous organisons un quiz bilingue. Vendredi dernier, 25 participants ont fait travailler avec plaisir leur cerveau et leur mémoire ! Nous serions amateurs de questions pour nos quiz : à bon entendeur …

WP_20170210_002quiz 2quizical 


There is nothing in France to equal a good English pub…………..   unless it is a good English pub – in France.  If you are looking for a pub that is warm, has comfortable seating and serves good food, look no further than the ”Pub des Halles” in Ste Hermine.  It is popular with both Brits and local French people.   A ‘Franglais’ evening is held on Mondays and a bi-langue quiz once a month.

The fish and chips are highly recommended.



Message from the President – Sad News – May 19th 2016

C’est avec un profond regret que je dois informer les membres de la mort de Charles Languedoc, le mari de notre secrétaire Josette.   Charles est décédé subitement mercredi après-midi.

On se souviendra tous de son aide indefatigable pendant tous nos évènements.  Notre sympathie va à Josette et au reste de sa famille.

It is with deep regret that I have to inform Members of the death of Charles Languedoc, husband of our Secretary, Josette.     Charles died suddenly and unexpectedly on Wednesday afternoon.     He will be remembered by us all for his unstinting help during all our Le Pont events.   Our sympathy goes out to Josette and the rest of her family.

The funeral will be at the crematorium in La Roche sur Yon at 1600 on Monday 23rd May.

Crématorium de La Roche sur Yon, Rue Georges Mazurelle

POST SCRIPTUM:    A large number of Members attended the ceremony, together with Charles’ family and  many others:  a tribute to a highly valued, very popular and much loved man. 

Among the flowers was a bouquet  presented on behalf of the Members of Le Pont a Sion.

How to recognise a stroke – CVA / AVC


TIME is of the essence.    Act  F.A.S.T!


FACE –    Have they got a lop-sided face.   Ask them to smile

ARM – Check for  arm weakness.   Ask them to hold up both arms

SPEECH – Are there difficulties in speaking.   Ask them to repeat a phrase.

TIME – Don’t waste time if you suspect a stroke.  If these symptoms, or trouble with balance, or a severe headache appear suddenly and with no apparent cause – get help immediately.   DIAL 15

A C T   F A S T !